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Battlefield Command: Europe at War E3 2003 Preshow Report

Codemasters releases new information on its World War II real-time strategy game from the creators of IL-2 Sturmovik.


Codemasters has today released new information on Battlefield Command: Europe at War 1939-1945, which is currently in development at 1C. In the game, which is scheduled for release next spring, you'll get to take command of troops in some of the Second World War's most significant European battles, including the invasion of Poland and France in 1939 and 1940, the D-Day landings, and the eventual fall of Germany in 1945.

As a commander, you'll have hands-on control over your troops and units as you fight your way through more than 100 battles inspired by real-life events. The game will feature more than 300 different unit types in total, including authentically re-created troops and weaponry from the armies of America, Great Britain, France, Germany, and Russia. Battles in the game will be set in no fewer than 33 different European locations, each constructed using real-life topographical maps along with aerial and period photography. Mission objectives will include everything from covert operations, reconnaissance, and rescues, to ambushes, sabotage, and city skirmishes.

Every soldier and unit in Battlefield Command can be controlled individually, and if you zoom in close to the battlefield you'll be able to see what each individual is thinking. This is possible because every unit in the game has up to 36 different personal and combat-related attributes. Morale will purportedly have quite a large role to play in the game, so being aware of your troops' emotions will be important if you're to succeed. In addition to the single-player campaign, the game will feature support for up to eight players.

Battlefield Command: Europe at War 1939-1945 is currently scheduled for release in spring 2004. For more information, check out our previous coverage of the game.

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