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Black Friday 2020: Hades Is On Sale For Only $20 (PC/Nintendo Switch)

Supergiant's amazing romp through Hell is available for cheap.


Hades is a fantastic twist on the roguelike genre, and you can get it on sale for Black Friday 2020 this year. Supergiant's latest and greatest adventure has a gripping narrative that stretches over dozens of attempts to escape the underworld. Whether you want to play on PC or Nintendo Switch, you'll be able to get a 20% discount.

Hades took some of the best elements of Supergiant's previous games, Bastion, Transistor, and Pyre, and combined them into one amazing package that has changed the roguelike genre.

"That long-tail approach to worldbuilding may not work for everyone; before I played Hades, I didn't see myself as someone who'd continue to play a roguelike after beating it. But I wanted to keep learning more about these characters and this underworld enough to keep coming back," Suriel Vazquez wrote in GameSpot's Hades review. "That, along with a robust postgame that alters every weapon and boss, lets you make the game even harder for more rewards, and offers even more reasons to play an already entrancing mix of RPG and action combat, has absolutely hooked me. When I'm not playing Hades, I'm thinking about how cool it'd be to build the Exagryph machine gun with lighting boons combo that got me that first victorious run, but also throw some critical damage on top of that."

We'll be covering Black Friday 2020 news and deals from now through Thanksgiving weekend and into Cyber Monday, so stay tuned. Check out our roundup of the best Black Friday gaming deals available this year, including the best deals for Nintendo Switch, PS4/PS5, and Xbox One/Series X.

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