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BloodRayne comic books announced

Majesco lines up to publish comics featuring the curvaceous bloodsucker; first book will arrive alongside BloodRayne 2's release.


Majesco announced today that it has licensed the BloodRayne franchise to comic book publisher Echo 3 Worldwide. Echo will adapt the action horror game into several comic books, each with its own self-contained story centering on the titular vampire/human heroine. The first book is scheduled to be released alongside the Xbox/PC/PlayStation 2 sequel BloodRayne 2 this October.

While it is more common for comic books to be the source of games (DC and Marvel comics, for example), BloodRayne is not the first game to make the jump from platform to print. Alone in the Dark, Tron 2.0, and Silent Hill have all been adapted into comic books, and a Metal Gear Solid comic is due this September.

BloodRayne's blend of violence, horror, and sex appeal also seemed to grab the attention of German filmmaker Uwe Boll. The producer-director behind last year's The House of the Dead, the recently completed Alone in the Dark, and the upcoming Dungeon Siege is also working on a $30 million horror action movie starring the curvaceous bloodsucker.

Majesco released BloodRayne for consoles in 2002 and for the PC in 2003. Xbox, PlayStation 2, and PC versions of BloodRayne 2 are expected to hit stores in October.

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