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Breaking Bad: The Complete Series Gets A Nice Discount For Prime Day

Watch Walter White cook meth and make other bad decisions all over again.


Amazon Prime Day is finally here, and one of the offers is on the hit TV show Breaking Bad. Fans can get the complete series for a nice price on DVD or Blu-ray.

The DVD version costs $45 on Amazon and the Blu-ray edition goes for $82. Both include all five seasons and 62 episodes of the acclaimed AMC drama about a high school chemistry teacher who teams up with one of his former students to create a methamphetamine empire in New Mexico.

Shipping is fast and free for Prime members.

Breaking Bad stars Bryan Cranston as Walter White, Aaron Paul as Jesse Pinkman, and Dean Norris as Hank Schrader. Anna Gunn plays Skyler White and Bob Odenkirk portrays Saul Goodman.

The series is considered by some to be among the best ever. After the show concluded in 2013, AMC made a prequel called Better Call Saul that dug into how Jimmy McGill became Saul Goodman. As it happens, Better Call Saul is discounted nicely on Amazon for Prime Day as well.

For what it's worth, every episode of Breaking Bad is also available on Netflix.

Amazon Prime Day 2023 officially runs July 11-12, so keep checking back with GameSpot for more in the days ahead. Head over TV Guide's shopping hub for even more, or check out deals on Star Wars, Marvel, and Transformers.

More Prime Day deals

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