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Building the Better Wrestling Game

The wrestling game business has always been a fickle mistress, and ever since this generation of consoles came around, I can't say I've ever stopped hearing complaints about how "Japan gets all the best wrestling games" and "Why won't they just remake No Mercy" or what have you. Well, here's my...

The wrestling game business has always been a fickle mistress, and ever since this generation of consoles came around, I can't say I've ever stopped hearing complaints about how "Japan gets all the best wrestling games" and "Why won't they just remake No Mercy" or what have you. Well, here's my question to you: If you're so fed up with the mainstream wrestling game market, why don't you just make your own damn game?

That's what Dave Wishnowski is doing. It's called Pro Wrestling X, and Wishnowski is calling it the wrestling game for fans, made by fans. I had the opportunity to talk to Wishnowski in this Q&A and I have to admit, I'm at least intrigued by what he's doing. It isn't often that you hear about a fed up gamer just throwing aside his day to day life and deciding to just make his or her own game. It's fascinating on multiple levels, really. Even if you're not into wrestling games.

So, I ask, what do you think? Is Wishnowski crazy, and doomed to fail? Or does Pro Wrestling X have a future? Discuss!

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