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Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare/Modern Warfare Remaster Bundle Requires 130 GB of Space - Report

The Legacy Edition's file size has been revealed, apparently.


With Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare scheduled to come out in about a month, what appears to be the game's box art has now emerged, revealing some new details about the game.

According to Charlie Intel, text on the back of the Legacy Edition box reportedly states that the game--comprising Infinite Warfare and Modern Warfare Remastered--will require 130 GB of space between them. It is unclear how that reported file size breaks down between each game.

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By comparison, last year's Call of Duty: Black Ops III weighed in at 58.61 GB.

The $80 Legacy Edition is one of Infinite Warfare's premium versions that comes with Modern Warfare Remastered, a new version of the beloved 2007 shooter, Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare.

The picture of the box apparently comes from French retailer Micromania. If you preordered one of the premium versions there, the store is apparently handing out a box containing the early access Modern Warfare Remastered code but no Infinite Warfare disc of course. Customers will need to go back to the store on November 4 to get the disc, apparently.

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Modern Warfare Remastered's campaign is playable right now for PS4 players who preordered one of the premium versions of Infinite Warfare, on a disc or digitally.

The Infinite Warfare box also shows the logos for Certain Affinity, Beenox, and High Moon Studios, listed alongside Infinity Ward (Infinite Warfare lead developer) and Raven Software (Modern Warfare Remastered lead developer).

GameSpot has contacted Activision in an attempt to get more details about Infinite Warfare's file size and co-developers. We'll update this post with anything we hear back.

Infinite Warfare launches on November 4 for PS4, Xbox One, and PC. The only way to get the Call of Duty 4 remaster is to buy one of the premium versions of Infinite Warfare, for now at least. For more on Modern Warfare Remastered, check out GameSpot's playthrough video above.

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