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Capcom Hack Accessed Corporate Secrets, Customer And Employee Information

Capcom clarified that the November 2 hack of their network may have affected customers in addition to the company's employees and shareholders.


Data breaches are nothing new in the video game industry, and Capcom appears to be the latest corporate victim of pesky hackers. Back on November 4, Capcom announced that a hacking group called Ragnar Locker accessed the company's internal network on November 2. Now, in a statement, the company reveals that the hack potentially compromised the personal information of both customers and employees, as well as confidential corporate information.

According to the announcement, the total amount of personal information accessed comes in at around 350,000 items, and includes customers, employees, shareholders, and more. However, the company emphasized that credit card information was not accessed by the hackers.

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Capcom also notes that it has begun contacting individuals whose information was accessed in order to notify them of the current situation, and says that those who are concerned about such access may contact them, depending on their region. Capcom will continue to work with police in both Japan and the US to report what information was accessed, and plans to establish a system security advisory board to prevent similar incidents from happening again.

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