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Capcom Reveals Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak Size And Prerequisites To Access New Content

Monster Hunter Rise's new expansion is aimed at fans who finished the game and are ready for a new challenge.


Capcom has outlined the requirements to play Sunbreak, the new expansion coming to Monster Hunter Rise on the Nintendo Switch and PC. The main prerequisite will be to have cleared the main story of Monster Hunter Rise and to have achieved a certain level of Village Quest and Hub Quest progression.

According to translations by SiliconEra, this will also include players having to "Serpent Goddess of Thunder" at Hunter Rank 7. Capcom has kept details closely under wraps for the expansion, but the studio did mention that the game update will be around 13 GB in size when it's released; this will apply to all players if they want to access online features.

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Now Playing: Monster Hunter Rise: Sunbreak - The Three Lords Trailer

More information on the game is set to be revealed on May 10 in a livestream event, which will also see the debut of a new trailer, a look at the new Hunter actions and the new monsters that players will be able to hunt, the Garangolm, Lunagaron, and Malzeno creatures that are known as the Three Lords.

Sunbreak will be available for both Nintendo Switch and PC via Steam on June 30, with pre-orders open now. All players who pre-order any version of the game will also unlock the Loyal Dog and Striped Cat armor sets for their Palamute and Palico companions, and there will also be three new Malzeno-inspired Amiibo for Switch players which unlocks more special companion armor.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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