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Castlevania Dev's Bloodstained Coming to Wii U, Could Get Vita Release

Bloodstained could also get asynchronous online multiplayer.


Castlevania mastermind Koji Igarashi's upcoming game Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night is coming to Wii U.

Earlier this week the game's Kickstarter campaign introduced a $3 million stretch goal that will bring it to Nintendo's console. After hitting that goal yesterday, the campaign listed two new stretch goals: the game will add asynchronous online multiplayer if it raises $3,250,000, and a PlayStation Vita port if it hits $3,500,000.

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The update to the Bloodstained Kickstarter page explains that the asynchronous online multiplayer will let players "borrow" a friend's character stats, see other players' ghost data while fighting bosses, and other surprises.

If Bloodstained raises enough money, the Vita port will be developed by Armature Studio, which is also making the Wii U version. Founded by former Metroid developers, the studio has a long history of ports, including Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel for the recently released Borderlands: The Handsome Collection.

The PC, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4 versions of Bloodstained, meanwhile, will be developed by Inti Creates. They are "going to continue developing the game as before, without compromise," the developer said.

Bloodstained, which reached its funding target in less than four hours, is scheduled to launch in 2017. At press time, the game has amassed $3,040,132 million from more than 37,000 backers. Funding closes on June 12. For more, check out our interview with Igarashi.

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