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Club Football update

Codemasters releases new information on its upcoming series of 15 club-themed soccer games. First screens inside.


Codemasters has today released new information pertaining to Club Football, the upcoming soccer game in which players will get to assume control of their favorite European club teams and even walk out onto the pitch alongside their heroes, should they decide to take advantage of the game's career mode. Codemasters will release 15 different versions of the game, each focusing on a different soccer team and featuring exact replicas of all the clubs' stadiums. When playing the game, each crowd will sing club-specific chants recorded at real matches. The 15 clubs and stadiums in the series are as follows: AC Milan, San Siro
Ajax, Amsterdam Arena
Arsenal, Highbury
Aston Villa, Villa Park
FC Barcelona, Camp Nou
FC Bayern München, Olympic Stadium
Borussia Dortmund, Westfalenstadion
Chelsea FC, Stamford Bridge
Hamburger SV, AOL Arena
FC Internazionale, San Siro
Juventus, Stadio Delle Alpi
Leeds United, Elland Road
Liverpool FC, Anfield
Manchester United, Old Trafford
Rangers, Ibrox Park

All the teams will be available to play as in each version of the game, although certain gameplay modes--including the domestic league, European super league, and quick start--will be available only for the player's chosen team.

Club Football, which is also in development for the Xbox , is scheduled for release in Europe and North America in the spring. It's not yet been confirmed whether or not all 15 editions of the game will be released in North America, although it seems reasonable to assume that fans of Manchester United and Liverpool have nothing to worry about. We'll bring you more information on Club Football as it becomes available.

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