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Cocoto, Paper Airplane fly to Nintendo shops

Nintendo's DSiWare downloadable game service is quickly filling with cheap, quick-to-play games, and this week, two more are added to the burgeoning list. Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics, published by Nintendo, offers five different games for 500 DSi points ($5). Included in the package are...


Nintendo's DSiWare downloadable game service is quickly filling with cheap, quick-to-play games, and this week, two more are added to the burgeoning list. Clubhouse Games Express: Card Classics, published by Nintendo, offers five different games for 500 DSi points ($5). Included in the package are Blackjack, Five Card Draw, Last Card, Last Card Plus, and President. For 200 points ($2), DSi owners can download Paper Airplane Chase, where up to two players can guide their aerodynamic origami through obstacle courses.

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On the Wii, gamers can pick up one original game and one hit from days gone by this week. New to WiiWare is Neko Entertainment's Cocoto Platform Jumper, a vertically oriented action platformer in which a small demon attempts to find his friends in a very large cauldron. The game is available for 700 Wii points ($7). Nobunaga's Ambition, originally released for the SNES in 1991, has been added to the Wii's Virtual Console for 800 Wii points, or $8.

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