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COD: World at War map pack deploys in March

Treyarch has often been criticized as the little brother in Activision's Call of Duty equation, tasked with cranking out the off-year, follow-up installments in the franchise while Infinity Ward advances the series. However, the studio made significant strides toward shedding that reputation...


Treyarch has often been criticized as the little brother in Activision's Call of Duty equation, tasked with cranking out the off-year, follow-up installments in the franchise while Infinity Ward advances the series.

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However, the studio made significant strides toward shedding that reputation with Call of Duty: World at War. Not only did the follow-up to Infinity Ward's award-winning Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare become the fifth best-selling game globally last year, but it also did so with an impressive critical reaction and a number of nominations at the upcoming Interactive Achievement Awards.

For the many fans who enjoyed the World War II shooter, Activision plans on expanding on the experience with World at War's first map pack. Due in March for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, Map Pack 1 includes four multiplayer arenas, three of which are targeted at competitive play and one intended for cooperative gaming.

On the competitive front, Map Pack 1 introduces Nightfire, set during the Allies' invasion of Berlin; Knee Deep, which has players attacking (and defending) a fortified Japanese outpost; and the aptly named Station, in which players do battle in an underground subway system. The new cooperative map--Verruckt, which is German for "crazy"--lets up to four players fend off a never-ending horde of Nazi zombies, and includes a number of new weapons and items.

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