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Daily Digest - PS4, Tomb Raider, and Unicorns

We've got lots to do today on GameSpot: update the IOS app, enter a game creation of your own; discover the PS4 and Tomb Raider hype, and much more!


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To-Do List

- UPDATE your GameSpot iOS App
- DISCOVER the Ps4mageddon
- GET lost in translation meme
- COMMENT about Why Alien games dont live up to expectations
- GRAB the remainder Blacklight: Retribution weapon bundles
- READ what GameSpotter say about the Tomb Raider review scores


Enter for a chance to win 25K In the Unicorn Apocalypse game creation contest. Not only do you have the chance to win a chunk of change, but the winning entry will also be published on the Android Market. Does making a game seem scary? Well GameSalad is here to help. Gamesalad has all the stuff you need to make your game, so just head on over to the game creator and make your game!

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