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DDO free for a week

Turbine and Atari offer up free seven-day trial of Dungeons & Dragons massively multiplayer online game for PC.


The latest massively multiplayer online role-playing game attempting to woo gamers with a free trial is Turbine's Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach. The Atari-published game is the only officially licensed D&D MMO and is based on the D&D 3.5 rule set.

The free trial is only available to residents in North America, and can be downloaded now from Turbine's official promotional page. After a week of dungeon-crawling and monster slaying, gamers can decide whether or not they want to buy the $49.95 retail version and take on the $14.99-per-month subscription fee.

Stormreach was released in late February, and has the Herculean task of attracting gamers in a genre dominated by Blizzard's World of Warcraft. DDO already expanded in April, offering free content for subscribers and promising more on the way.

Dungeons & Dragons Online: Stormreach is rated T for Teen. For more on the game, reach GameSpot's full review.

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