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Dead Block lands on XBLA July 6

Candygun Games' tactical zombie title arrives on Microsoft's online platform next week; scheduled to hit PlayStation Network on July 20.


No Caption Provided Yesterday, Call of Duty: Black Ops welcomed the Annihilation map pack, a new add-on that included a fresh zombie level for gamers to fight the undead in. Next week, zombie-slaying fans will have another new chance to re-kill the living dead, when Dead Block hits Xbox Live Arcade.
Dead Block comes to life next week on XBLA.
Dead Block comes to life next week on XBLA.

Candygun Games' Dead Block hits XBLA next Wednesday, July 6, and will be available for 800 Microsoft points, or $10. PlayStation 3 owners are going to have to wait a bit longer to play the game, as it is currently scheduled to arrive on the PlayStation Network on July 20.

The game is also expected to arrive for the PC, but Candygun has not announced a release date for Dead Block on that platform.

The Unreal Engine-powered Dead Block lets gamers play as a construction worker, traffic warden, or an insatiable boy scout. Players are tasked with surviving waves of oncoming zombies either by force or with strategy. Additionally, gamers can fight alone or with friends in the game's split-screen mode.

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