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Desperados Details

We have more info on the wild west-themed squad-based game Infogrames announced earlier this week.


Surprisingly few PC games have used the wild west setting, but Infogrames announced it had one lined up for next year. Set in the wild expanse that was New Mexico during the Civil War, Desperados puts you in command of John Cooper and his band of desperados. The game's 24 missions will take you on the trail of the notorious bandit-leader El Diablo. You'll also encounter a number of hallmarks of the wild west, such as a train robbery, a bar brawl, and rattlesnakes.

In terms of gameplay, Desperados is a strategy game that puts you in tactical control of the six Desperados, who each have specialities like demolitions, sniping, and disguise. As in Commandos, it's important to make judicious use of each character's abilities. In addition, Desperados will be able to mount and ride horses for a real western feel.

Spellbound, the game's developer, plans to have Desperados ready early next year.

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