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Diablo...Stayin' Alive

PC Data's April stats show that Microsoft's Flight Sim took a dive, while Diablo continued to hold on to the top slot.


The envelope please....Blizzard Entertianment's Diablo remained the top-selling PC title, according to PC Data figures the company just released.

In April, top-selling Diablo was followed by Virgin's Command & Conquer Red Alert, Broderbund's Myst, and two newcomers to the list, LucasArts' X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter and Virgin's C&C add-on pack, C&C Counterstrike.

Rounding out the list of top ten selling titles were Microsoft Flight Simulator (which dropped from second place), Mattel's Barbie Fashion Designer, Hasbro's Monopoly Multimedia, Blizzard's Warcraft Battle Chest, and GT Interactive's Quake.

PC Data said sales of PC games totaled 9.4 million units for this year's first quarter, compared to 7.4 million units for the same quarter a year earlier. And that PC games generated sales of US$260 million in the first quarter of this year, compared to only $224 million the year before.

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