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Dirt 5 Is Speeding Onto Xbox Series X, PS5, And Current-Gen Systems--Here Are The Details

Codemasters' rally racing series is coming back on current and next-gen platforms, and we got our first look during the latest Inside Xbox at Dirt 5.


Codemasters' Dirt series is venturing into the next generation. Dirt 5 was announced during the latest Inside Xbox presentation, as one of several third-party games slated for Xbox Series X. Codemasters teased new features and a fresh approach, which includes the changing of weather and seasons, to assure no two races are the same. In addition to the Xbox Series X version, the game will also release for PS5, PC, PS4, and Xbox One beginning in October 2020, with a Stadia release to follow in 2021. It's shaping up to be one of the most visually-impressive games of the next generation, and you'll be able to upgrade from the Xbox One version to Xbox Series X for free.

The reveal trailer, which you can watch below, shows some of the many locations around the globe where the action takes place. These include China, Norway, New York, Brazil, Europe, Italy, and Arizona. But in addition to the variety of locations, Dirt 5 also lets you race across ice-slicked roads and through mud-covered forests, with each terrain bringing introducing new handling challenges you'll have to grapple with. Night races look striking with overhead lightning strikes, with a day-night and full weather cycle being introduced into races. All gameplay was captured in-engine.

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Following the reveal, Dirt 5 development director Robert Karp explained what's new in the game during the Inside Xbox stream. In addition to a career mode, which will let you choose between event types as you climb up the ladder to sign with sponsors, you'll also be able to compete in standalone arcade-style races and competitive modes. Some of these races will have you jump into different types of vehicles, including buggies, drift cars, and other vehicles types that are new to the series. The career mode looks to be the most in-depth that the franchise has seen yet, and over the course of the campaign, you'll interact with different characters who will provide you with support. Two mentor characters in particular are voiced by well-known gaming voice-over talents Nolan North and Troy Baker in the career mode.

Dirt 5 was also announced as a game that will utilize Microsoft's new Smart Delivery feature. That will allow you to buy the game on Xbox One and then download the Xbox Series X version if you're playing on that hardware. When playing on the Series X, you'll be able to play in 4K resolution at 60FPS with the added option for 120FPS (but presumably a sub-4K resolution). The option to switch between the two visual features was only confirmed for the Series X version.

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