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Disco Elysium, One Of The Best Games In Years, Is Coming To Xbox In October

The celebrated 2019 game is headed to Xbox in October with The Final Cut.


Having recently been confirmed for release on Nintendo Switch, developer ZA/UM's celebrated game Disco Elysium is now slated for release on Xbox as well--and fans don't have to wait long.

Disco Elysium - The Final Cut is slated for release digitally on October 12 for Xbox, with a physical edition slated for November 9. The Final Cut added voice acting for all major characters, new quests, more locations to explore, and 4K resolution support for those with a compatible screen.

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Now Playing: Disco Elysium | Best Games Of 2019

A $250 Collector's edition that comes with a physical copy of the game is available for preorder from iam8bit. It includes premium packaging, a hand-painted "Mind Totem" sculpture, a 190-page art book, an illustrated fabric map, and various other bonuses.

Disco Elysium was first released back in 2019, and we named it one of the year's best games. Following its PC-only release, the game was ported to PS4, PS5, and Stadia earlier in 2021 alongside the launch of The Final Cut.

The narrative-focused detective RPG earned a rare 10/10 in our Disco Elysium review. "Disco Elysium is a mad, sprawling detective story where the real case you've got to crack isn't who killed the man strung up on a tree in the middle of town--though that in itself, replete with dozens of unexpected yet intertwined mysteries and wild excursions into the ridiculous, is engrossing enough to sustain the game," critic David Wildgoose wrote. "Rather, it’s an investigation of ideas, of the way we think, of power and privilege, and of how all of us are shaped, with varying degrees of autonomy, by the society we find ourselves in."

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