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Disgaea 4 Details

We return to the Netherworld, but instead of demons and overlords, we have werewolves and vampires.


No Caption Provided NIS America announced its 2011 lineup at an event in San Francisco, so it looks like we're in for another epic Japanese strategy role-playing game that will last hundreds of hours. While it stays true to the Disgaea formula, the visuals are a step up from the sprites that we're so used to seeing. Each character is wonderfully detailed on the grid, so it's like moving around little anime figurines. It's colorful, it's quirky, and there are prinnies; what more do you need? We had an opportunity to sit down with the lead programmer and director of the game, Masahiro Yamamoto, to talk about the new features in Disgaea 4. See the interview below for more information. But if you want to see the game in action with the new visuals (and hilarious narration), I'd highly suggest the trailer, which is also embedded below.

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Disgaea 4 is set to be released exclusively on the PlayStation 3 this September.

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