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DJ Hero getting Jay-Z vs. Eminem DLC March 25

Third track pack for Activision's rhythm game will feature three mash-ups of six songs from the hip-hop impresarios, including "Without Me" vs. "Encore" and "Can I Get A…" vs. "Lose Yourself"; will be available for Wii, PS3, and 360.


No Caption Provided In January, Activision declared DJ Hero the "highest-grossing new IP" of 2009 in the US and Europe, even though domestic unit sales were lower than expected at launch. (The game's $120 price tag and the popularity of dance music in Europe likely made up for the slow start.) In the subsequent four-plus months, FreeStyleGames has released two track packs for the well-reviewed rhythm game, including the Extended Mix Pack 01 and the David Guetta Mix Pack 01.

No East Coast-Midwest beef here.
No East Coast-Midwest beef here.

Today, Activision announced a third DJ Hero downloadable content pack will arrive on March 25 on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network, and the Wii Shop Channel. This one will feature the two high-profile hip-hop artists that helped launch the game at the 2009 Electronic Entertainment Expo last year: New York impresario Jay-Z and Detroit rapper Eminem. Priced at MSP640 or $7.99, the pack will feature three mash-ups of six songs. The mash-ups will be available for the Wii a la carte for 300 Wii Points ($3) each.

"Shake That" by Eminem mixed with "Show Me What You Got" by Jay-Z
"Without Me" by Eminem mixed with "Encore" by Jay-Z
"Can I Get A…" by Jay-Z mixed with "Lose Yourself" by Eminem

The pack will be the second DJ Hero product to offer additional Eminem and Jay-Z content. When the game launched on October 27, it was also available in a $200 Renegade Edition, which featured a hard turntable case/table with extendable legs and a two-CD pack of previously unreleased material from the two artists.

A sequel to DJ Hero is planned for release in the second half of 2010, along with a new Guitar Hero game. They will be the only two rhythm titles Activision releases this year, following what analysts consider a glut of music games from the company in 2009. Slow sales of the game led to Guitar Hero creator RedOctane apparently being all but shut down and the IP reportedly being taken away from Guitar Hero 5 developer Neversoft, which also suffered layoffs.

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