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Doom Eternal Features A Guitar Made Of Flesh And Bones

Rock on.


Doom Eternal is a very heavy metal video game. Like the 2016 Doom, the sequel has a soundtrack from headbanger Mick Gordon that absolutely rips. And tears.

We can now happily report that not only does Doom Eternal continue with the metal theme, but it goes a little further by featuring some truly epic guitars. During our recent hands-on time with Doom Eternal, we discovered in the new Fortress of Doom hub world that three guitars hang from the wall. They look like what HP Lovecraft might design if he was a guitar-maker.

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Now Playing: 7 Minutes Of Brutal Doom Eternal PC Gameplay

They ooze with style. One appears to be made of flesh and bone. We can only hope and imagine it was literally crafted by a demon that you, the Doom Slayer, defeated. None of them appear to have pickups, so we're not sure how they make sound, but look how rad they are.


Behold, demon guitars
Behold, demon guitars

Following a delay from November 2019, Doom Eternal is now scheduled to launch for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on March 20. It's developed by id Software, and it features all manner of new weapons, abilities, and demons to destroy. The game is also coming to Nintendo Switch, but not until some point later.

For lots more, check out GameSpot's new preview on site now. You can also watch the video embedded above to see seven minutes of brand-new gameplay footage.

And because it's always a good time to watch Mick Gordon play music, re-watch his performance at the 2016 Game Awards where he performed "Rip and Tear" live with Periphery's Matt Halpern on drums.

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