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Double Dose of Madden

This week marked the release of the PC version of Madden NFL 06; and guess what? It's just like the console versions, but with a mouse interface, and a crazy online menu system! Yay! Oh, and it's got some graphics and control bugs too. Boo!Speaking of bugs, has everyone heard of that whole running...

This week marked the release of the PC version of Madden NFL 06; and guess what? It's just like the console versions, but with a mouse interface, and a crazy online menu system! Yay! Oh, and it's got some graphics and control bugs too. Boo!

Speaking of bugs, has everyone heard of that whole running back bug yet? The one where if you're playing a two running back set, the button icons for your fullback and halfback change depending on whether it's a running play or a passing play? Wouldn't be such a big deal, 'cept that defenses can see that when they zoom the camera out, and thus, they can tell if you're running or passing. It didn't make so much of a difference to me when playing passing downs, as it's not like I could automatically read the routes or anything. But on running plays, I just made a beeline for the halfback. Even if it was a fullback run, the odds of the fullback running very far very fast usually aren't good. This is one of those bugs that just kind of makes you scratch your head and go "Huh? How did this make it into a final game?" Gross.

Oh well, it's still good football overall, as is the DS version, which our own sports monkey Brian Ekberg also reviewed today. It's just like the first Madden DS game, but with less bugs and a completely pointless touch-screen kicking interface. Bless them for trying, but they could certainly try a little harder.

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