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Dustborn Sees You Go On A Roadtrip With Robots Across Dystopian America

Dustborn is scheduled to come to PC and next-gen consoles in 2021.


The Future Games Show is all about revealing what's next for the gaming industry and that includes new trailers for upcoming games, like Dustborn. You can watch the announcement trailer below.

In the announcement trailer, we get to see main character Pax and the assortment of allies she travels with. It's quite the diverse bunch though I'm partial to the robot driver and their smaller pet-like robot companion. The duo look so cute.

This announcement trailer was closely followed by a brief gameplay trailer. A story-driven action adventure game, Dustborn will see you using Pax's super abilities in combat and picking between dialogue and reaction options in conversations.

According to the gameplay trailer, Dustborn is coming to "PC and next-gen consoles" in 2021, implying the game will release for both Xbox Series X and PlayStation 5, but that's not confirmed.

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