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Dying Light 2 Goes Gold Nearly Two Months Ahead Of Release

Another Dying 2 Know episode is also on the way, slated to air on December 2.


Following two delays, one that was indefinite and another that only pushed the game's release date back two months, Dying Light 2 has finally gone gold well before its release. The game likely won't see its release date pushed forward though, like Sifu's recently was, with lead game designer Tymon Smektała saying that the team "will not slow down."

"The fact that the game is done and we hit the gold status two months before the release is a great sign but it doesn't mean that our work ends here," said Smektała. "There are still some upgrades and tweaks to add, and community feedback to implement, but the base is solid and ready to play."

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Now Playing: Dying Light 2 Preview

Today's announcement marks the start of the final act in Dying Light 2's development cycle. Outside of two delays, the game's developer, Techland, was rocked by controversy earlier this year after it was accused of being a toxic workplace environment. Developers at the company claimed that misogynistic comments were common during meetings and that upper management's development demands had to be met.

During GameSpot's preview of the game though, Guides Editor Mark Delaney praised the game for its fluid movement and a world packed with more content for players to explore compared to Dying Light. "Blatantly inspired by juggernauts such as The Witcher, Zelda, and Assassin's Creed in different parts, Dying Light 2 still feels like it will manage to leave its mark on the sandbox formula," wrote Delaney.

Another public preview of Dying Light 2 is also on the way, with a Dying 2 Know episode scheduled for December 2 at 12 PM PT / 3 PM ET. Dying Light 2 is set to launch on February 4 for PC, PS4, PS5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

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