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Dying Light 2 Story DLC Delayed To September

There will be new content in June, however.


Techland announced that it is delaying Dying Light 2: Stay Human's first major story DLC to September. It was originally planned to release sometime this summer.

"Dear Pilgrims, your feedback always has the highest priority for us, and we want to be honest and transparent with you," says Techland in its statement. "We will still need a bit more time to develop the first story DLC. It is now planned to be released in September."

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Techland explained that the team has been adding additional features such as New Game Plus mode, a field of view slider for consoles, and co-op improvements to Dying Light 2 over the past few months. Additionally, there will be new content coming in June called "Chapter 1: In the Footsteps of a Nightrunner." It's a new gameplay chapter that introduces a new progression system, new enemies and rewards, and several missions and bounties, as well as a highly-requested photo mode.

With the first story DLC now set to release in September, it looks like Techland is planning on releasing Chapter 2 content by November too. Techland also continues to pledge 5 years of support for Dying Light 2, with a second story DLC coming later along with even more content.

Dear Pilgrims, your feedback always has the highest priority for us, and we want to be honest and transparent with you. We will still need a bit more time to develop the first story DLC. It is now planned to be released in September.

— Dying Light (@DyingLightGame) May 12, 2022

Techland actually supported the first Dying Light game earlier this month, allowing players to upgrade to the game's Enhanced Edition for free.

In GameSpot's Dying Light 2: Stay Human review, we said, "It's rough around the edges and it asks players to invest a lot in its weakest element, but once you realize the story, like gravity, is only going to pull you down, you can begin to defy it and enjoy the things Dying Light 2 actually does well."

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