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E3 2001: New Duke Nukem Forever Trailer

Take a look at the highly anticipated shooter Duke Nukem Forever in motion.


The last time 3D Realms publicly showed Duke Nukem Forever in motion was at the 1998 E3 show in Atlanta. Now that the game's release date is finally in sight, the company is once again kicking the hype machine into high gear--specifically, 3D Realms has just released a trailer of the much-anticipated Unreal-powered sequel to Duke Nukem 3D.

The movie is about two minutes and 45 seconds in length, and it depicts various scenes of Duke Nukem doing what he does best throughout Las Vegas. The footage opens up with an impressive 360-degree panorama of the Las Vegas strip, and then it proceeds to display numerous in-game and cinematic sequences involving Duke Nukem, aliens, infected EDF soldiers, Colonel Graves, and of course, a motion-captured stripper.

We're posting the original .ZIP file that 3D Realms made available to us for you to download. The file contains four different formats of the movie: a low resolution Bink file, a low resolution Quicktime file, a high resolution Bink file, and a high resolution Quicktime file. Additionally, we're currently encoding the movie into both Windows Media and Real Media formats, so those without high-speed connections will be able to stream the footage. We'll have more on Duke Nukem Forever from the show floor of E3 shortly.

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