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E3 Media & Business Summit 2008

Welcome to GameSpot's home for the 2008 E3 Media & Business Summit! Beginning the week of July 14, we'll be bringing you industry's the best coverage of the press conferences, games, and more, live from Los Angeles, California. As usual, we've got some exciting things in the works, so be sure to...

Welcome to GameSpot's home for the 2008 E3 Media & Business Summit! Beginning the week of July 14, we'll be bringing you industry's the best coverage of the press conferences, games, and more, live from Los Angeles, California. As usual, we've got some exciting things in the works, so be sure to come back on Monday, July 14 at 10:30 a.m. PT to watch our live broadcast of the Microsoft press conference and find out what else we've got in store for you!

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