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EA charts Blueprint

Megapublisher establishes new division dedicated to smaller, low-cost, indie-style games.


In June, newly appointed Electronic Arts chief executive officer John Riccitiello announced that the company would be split into four separate labels. These were EA Games, EA Sports, The Sims, and EA Casual Entertainment. Now, according to Variety magazine, plans are afoot to add a subdivision to the EA Games label.

The former head of EA's Los Angeles studio, Neil Young, will be running the division, which will be called Blueprint and will focus on low-cost original IP that will be released across multiple media.

Explaining the philosophy behind Blueprint, Young told Variety, "We focus on creating IP in new ways for our media and finding smart ways to spread it across the media landscape... We want to find a new way to make games with smaller teams."

Blueprint will be a place for experimental, high-risk projects to go, and Young said that although the division will be focused on games, Blueprint projects could start on the Internet, at live events, or even on clothing.

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