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EA vet jets; takes CEO slot at Snocap

HR boss Rusty Rueff hired on at music startup; exit follows other high-profile departures at game industry giant.


Fledging digital music clearinghouse Snocap hired its first chief executive officer today, luring Rusty Rueff away from the top human resources post at video game powerhouse Electronic Arts. Reuff held the title of executive vice president for human resources at the game giant.

Rueff's name is now added to a lengthening list of high-profile execs who have recently left the publisher for greener pastures. Among the list are former president John Riccitiello, Greg Richardson, Don Mattrick, and Bruce McMillan.

Snocap, cofounded by original Napster creator Shawn Fanning, hopes to become the accountant and traffic cop of sorts for peer-to-peer (P2P) file-sharing services that want to want to go legit with music industry support.

For the full story, read News' coverage.

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