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EA's New Xbox One/PS4/PC Indie Game Unravel Gets Release Date, New Trailer

Yarny comes to life next year.


Unravel, the indie game from Electronic Arts and developer Coldwood Interactive where you play as a character made of yarn, will launch worldwide on February 9, 2016, the publisher announced today. It'll be available on that date across PC, Xbox One, and PS4. A new trailer was also released today, showing off the gorgeous graphics and adorable hero Yarny.

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"Gaming is a powerful platform, able to inspire players and touch their hearts," creative director Martin Sahlin said in a statement. With Unravel, we're hoping to do just that. Yarny's quest is to mend broken bonds and the yarn represents the love and connection between people. Along the way, we'll test your cleverness with environment-based puzzles inspired by our home in Northern Sweden."

In Unravel, you'll use Yarny's thread to do things like swing across a gap or rappel down a tree. Those are basic examples, but the game will also challenge you to use the thread in "clever and creative ways," according to EA.

A handful of new Unravel screenshots were also released today; you click through the images in the gallery below to see them all.

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Unravel will cost $20 when it launches digitally across new-generation consoles and PC.

Looking for more Yarny coverage? Here's 50 minutes of Yarny sitting in front of a crackling Yule log.

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