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Echelon First Impression

Echelon will have exciting, action-packed dogfights between high-tech, futuristic fighter jets.


Buka Entertainment's Echelon is a futuristic combat flight simulation. It won't take place in outer space; instead, the game will take place within the jet stream of a planet under siege. It seems that the planet's government, the Galactic Federation, has constantly been threatened by militant rebels. These rebels have recently commandeered a powerful form of alien technology that they plan to use to overthrow the Galactic Federation and ultimately seize control of the galaxy. In the game, you'll encounter more than 25 different types of combat aircraft and more than 100 different vehicles.

Echelon will have a sizeable single-player component: The game will feature two campaigns, each consisting of 30 individual missions. In addition, you'll not only have access to faster, stronger ships equipped with better weapons as you advance through the game's levels, but you'll also rise in rank. Higher-ranking pilots will eventually be able to recruit wingmen, who, if managed properly, will guard your flanks as you move in for the kill. Echelon will also feature a number of multiplayer game types, including standard deathmatch and several different types of cooperative play.

Buka Entertainment has created a proprietary game and graphics engine for Echelon that will allow for excellent graphics. The graphics engine will not only generate colorful, realistic environments, detailed scenery, and special effects, it will also allow for aesthetic details, such as dust and particle effects.

Interested flight jockeys will be able to enlist in the Galactic Federation strike force this fall, when Echelon is scheduled for release.

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