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EVE Online crosses 500,000 subscribers

Sci-fi massively multiplayer online game hits subscriber milestone 10 years after launch.


CCP Games announced today that its sci-fi massively multiplayer online game EVE Online had crossed 500,000 subscribers for the first time in the game's history. The game has seen 10 straight years of subscriber growth, according to the publisher.

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The milestone was reached followed the December 4 launch of EVE Online: Retribution, the game's 18th free expansion and its "most successful ever," according to CCP.

CCP plans to celebrate the game's 10th anniversary throughout 2013 with various in-game and real-world events, including the EVE Fanfest, which will take place this April in Reykjavik, Iceland. The game officially marks its 10th birthday on May 6.

EVE Online carries a subscription fee of $15 per month.

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