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Fall Guys Dev Warns Of Scams For A Non-Existent Mobile Version

The battle royale game is only on PS4 and PC, so be careful out there.


Things that are popular are often targets for scams, and this is also the case for the whimsical battle royale game Fall Guys. Developer Mediatonic recently called out a YouTube channel that claims to have details on a mobile version of the game, but it's all a bunch of baloney.

The developer confirmed on Twitter, "If you see any ads for a mobile version, they are scams." The video in question is not even a good fake, the developer said, because it's just the PC version pretending to be a mobile version--the mouse cursor is even in the video.

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"I don't want to live on this planet anymore," the Fall Guys Twitter account says. Mediatonic does have hopes to bring Fall Guys to other platforms beyond PS4 and PC someday, but no plans have been announced yet.

In other Fall Guys news, Mediatonic has kicked off a charity campaign where it will create a special skin for the biggest donation to charity. The Tushy Bidet company is currently in the lead with a $40,000 donation for a shirt that says, "Ask Me About My Butthole."

What's more, Star Wars writer Gary Whitta is pausing his Animal Crossing talk show and starting a new one based on Fall Guys.

Mediatonic also has plans to develop the wacky battle royale into more of a game show experience with deeper Twitch integration. Streamers will undoubtably rush to be the most popular Fall Guys streamer as new mini games come out.

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