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Fall Guys: Here's How The Developers Make Its Levels

Principal concept artist Ask Kerins has revealed how a Fall Guys level went from a concept to a fully realized level.


Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout has experienced roaring success since it was released, with the Mediatonic game going on to sell millions of copies and become the most-downloaded PS Plus game of all time on a global basis. A 100-player battle royale inspired by Japanese game show Takeshi's Castle, the game that originally began life as Fool's Gauntlet would eventually evolve from its punishing first draft into a more-whimsical last man standing experience.

In a Twitter thread, principal concept artist Ash Kerins shared details of how levels in Fall Guys were conceived, the design of individual set pieces, and the evolution of the game's visual language, which had begun development under fellow principal concept artist Dan Hoang. Levels were designed to have a general look throughout Fall Guys, and at one point a night mode aesthetic was also explored.

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Once the visual language for Fall Guys was formed and a color/pattern system had been established so that players would be able to recognize which elements could be interacted with, development began to focus on specific design assets.

Mediatonic is currently playtesting new ideas for Fall Guys, which will include "new interesting ways to play" including cross-play and a "squad" mode according to lead designer Joe Walsh. Fall Guys Season 2 will be revealed during the opening night of Gamescom, if you're waiting to see what's next.

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