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Fall Guys Is Going To Yeet Us With A Huge Hammer

Mediatonic is making some changes to in-game maps.


Fall Guys is getting a new obstacle in some of its current mini-games. A giant hammer the studio calls "Big Yeetus" will "randomly appear" in several levels to throw the little bean characters across the map.

Mediatonic tweeted out the news on September 2, although the studio didn't say when the hammer would be live in the game. The studio included a short gif of a player getting thrown across the Dizzying Heights map--all the way to the finish line. I'm sure most encounters with Big Yeetus won't be as generous.

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Fruit appeared to be getting shot out of the cannons on the Dizzying Heights map in the gif as well. Usually nothing but balls come out of those cannons, suggesting Mediatonic is making other changes to the game without saying much.

"WAIT WHY IS THERE FRUIT AND NOT B A L L," said one reply to the tweet. Mediatonic replied with a gif of Dwight Schrute shushing.

Fall Guys Season 2 is coming in October. It brings new mini-games and costumes based on "epic quests." New costumes and mini-games where players have to dodge giant axes were both revealed at Gamescom. Mediatonic's battle royale of the brands also came to an end recently. Ninja, G2 Esports, MRBeast, and Aim Lab came together with a one million dollar donation for UK-based charity Special Effect.

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