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Fallout 4 Has Alien Easter Egg And More Hidden Secrets

Random numbers in Fallout 4 may not be so random after all.


Junk in Fallout 4 is easily forgettable as something you're going to pick up and never look at again. However, imgur user 1Times took a closer look at a Flux Sensor they found in a Bostonian wasteland hut and thought they'd do a little research after observing something that seemed random on the back of the sensor.

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"I found some random numbers (CM-88B 180924609) so I decided to do some research," said 1Times in their imgur gallery. "I found this. It's a screen capture from the movie Alien."

Upon further research, the user discovered that 180924609 is the registration number of the USCSS Nostromo, a CM-88B Bison starfreighter (also known as the spaceship from the Ridley Scott horror classic Alien).

"It feels really rewarding," the discoverer wrote. "Encourages me to explore more."

1Times also posted pictures of where to find the Alien Easter egg, including where it is on the map and its location inside of the hut.

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1Times' discovery may not be the only one they make in Fallout 4. Gears of War creator Cliff Bleszinski tweeted earlier today, remarking that a Fallout 4 developer friend of his said "...there are more numbers hidden in the game."

If there are more to be found, then there could be a lot of people looking for them since Fallout 4 shipped 12 million copies worldwide in its first day on shelves. There could even be people sacrificing other activities for the cause of finding these Easter eggs. Unless they're stuck looking for some of the more rare crafting components instead.

Fallout 4 came out on November 10 for Xbox One, PS4, and PC. You can check out GameSpot's review and find out why it received the score it did on last week's edition of The Lobby.

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