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Fallout: New Vegas Lonesome Road DLC delayed

Bethesda pushes back release date of upcoming add-on to undetermined date in future based on "circumstances outside our control."


No Caption Provided Bethesda announced in May that gamers would be able to journey down Fallout: New Vegas' Lonesome Road in July. However, the add-on content didn't make it out that month, and it won't see release in August either, the publisher today confirmed.
A first look down New Vegas' lonesome road.
A first look down New Vegas' lonesome road.

Writing in the New Vegas forums, Bethesda senior producer Jason Bergman announced that the Lonesome Road downloadable content has been delayed. The developer said "circumstances outside our control" have forced the studio to push the content's release at least until September. Bergman didn't offer a new release date for Lonesome Road but did say the team is working to get it released "as quickly as possible."

Though Bethesda did bring gamers unfortunate news of the delay today, the developer also released the first screenshot from the content (above). It shows a battered road with a highway sign that reads "High Rd. 1/2 mile."

When it is released on the Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, and PC, the $10 Lonesome Road DLC will see gamers being contacted by the original Courier Six, who refused to deliver the Platinum Chip at the beginning of the game. Gamers will be offered the reason for his refusal if they agree to venture into the Divide, which has been ravaged by earthquakes and hurricanes.

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