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Fans Think The Last Of Us Part 1 Is Teasing Naughty Dog's Next IP

The remake contains some art that wasn't present in the original game.


Some art that has been found in The Last of us Part 1 has fans thinking it's a tease for Naughty Dog's next game.

As spotted by a number of fans and shared by Naughty Dog Central, some new art has cropped up in The Last of Us Part 1 that isn't in the original game. The art shows a number of fantasy images, one of which shows a warrior facing a fire-breathing dragon, another showing some kind of snake-like beast wrapped around what looks to be a triangular shaped moon, and another showing a horned pegasus.

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Fans have been discussing the art in the GamingLeaksAndRumours subreddit, with some with some speculating about the prospect of a Naughty Dog-developed fantasy game.

This wouldn't be the first time that Naughty Dog has teased one of its future titles in its games. When Uncharted 3 launched in November 2011, fans quickly spotted a newspaper clipping referencing The Last of Us, which was announced the following month. Though that was technically an accident, as the game was meant to be revealed around the same time Uncharted released.

Fans also previously spotted a piece of art from Naughty Dog senior concept artist Hyoung Taek Nam showing a swordswoman sitting on a dead dragon on the artist's Artstation account. But when fans started to question whether it was for a new game, Nam changed the description to say it was inspired by Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

Director Neil Druckmann did acknowledge that Naughty Dog is working on a new game at Summer Game Fest when The Last of Us Part 1 was officially announced, but he noted that it was too early to reveal anything just yet.

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