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Far Cry 3 Event - Player Evaluation

GameSpot is selecting the best Far Cry 3 PC players to participate in our invite-only Far Cry 3 event on March 29!


Thanks for your interest in our upcoming Far Cry 3 event! We're looking for competitive Far Cry 3 PC players but no previous tournament experience is required. Fill out the information below and be sure to include the security code that you received via email. If your team is selected, you'll receive an email.

Enter the security code from the email:
Team Name:
Team Leader real name and birthdate
Player real name and birthdate (teammate 2)
Player real name and birthdate (teammate 3)
Player real name and birthdate (teammate 4)
Email Address:
Leader’s Mailing address:
Leader's Phone #:
The team's Uplay account names
The Team's GameSpot Usernames
Any teammates use Twitter? If so, list your accounts)
Do you use any sites to livestream your gameplay? If so, please list any of the channel or any other livestream services your team is affiliated with.
Competitive history? Not required but if you or a teammate participated in a competition prior to this event, feel free to share the events, the placement and prizes won.

Create a web form here

Got a news tip or want to contact us directly? Email

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