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Final Fantasy 16 Has Entered The "Finale" Of Its Development, Producer Says

After months of radio silence, Final Fantasy 16 appears to be nearing the end of development.


Final Fantasy XVI appears to be in the final crucial stages of its development cycle, as a new interview with producer Naoki Yoshida has provided some fresh updates on Square Enix's upcoming RPG.

Spotted online by Twitter user alberich_ff14 and translated by RPG Site, Yoshida's comments come from an official Uniqlo magazine ahead of that brand's launch of several Final Fantasy T-shirts.

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"Now we're at the finale of the new game FF16's development,” Yoshida said. "Unlike an online game that depicts multiple players simultaneously, FF16 focuses on an individual so the state of immersion into the story will be different. I feel like the story will be very deep."

According to the producer, there's a hope that this particular Final Fantasy will appeal to older fans of the series, who have grown with the various games over the years. Yoshida previously said that the game's next big reveal will come in Spring 2022, and due to complications around COVID-19, Final Fantasy XVI's development has been delayed by almost half a year.

Very little is known about Final Fantasy XVI right now, but the names of three of its characters--Clive, Joshua, and Jill--have been confirmed and Square Enix has also described this entry in the mainline series as being more action-oriented.

Even though it wasn't present at the Tokyo Games Show in September, there was also confirmation that the game's story had been completed and the English voiceovers were almost done.

Darryn Bonthuys on Google+

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