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Finally, There Is Mario-Themed Frozen Yogurt

Nintendo partners with Yogurtland for new, limited-time promotion.


Nintendo and frozen yogurt have finally come together. The company today announced a partnership with Yogurtland to bring some of its most popular characters to the chain in the form of decorations and new flavors.

From July 1 to September 8, "select" Yogurtland locations will drape their walls with Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, and Bowser imagery. Additionally, the company's cups and spoons will be decked out with the likenesses of these popular Nintendo characters.

Not only that, but Yogurtland has also created Nintendo-inspired Yogurt flavors including: "Mario's Chocolate Gelato," "Luigi's White Chocolate Pistachio," and "Toad's Rocky Road."

In a press release today, Nintendo said this partnership with Yogurtland is specifically being done to help the company "expand its brand beyond its classic video games and systems to reach audiences in new ways."

This is the second new licensing partnership that Nintendo has announced this month. The first was with Vans for a new line of Nintendo-themed shirts, backpacks, and shoes. Some of Nintendo's other licensing efforts include Mario toothbrushes, while the company has also licensed its characters for a new Universal theme park.

In February this year, Nintendo CEO Tatsumi Kimishima said it was very important for Nintendo to pursue these kinds of licensing deals. This is because "the proportion of young consumers who are first experiencing games on our systems has been falling," he said.

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Yogurtland has 300 locations in 19 states across the country. You visit the chain's website to see a list of locations, though it's not clear which ones will host the Nintendo event.

In support of this announcement, Yogurtland is operating a sweepstakes where you could win a Wii U system or even a year of free frozen yogurt. More details about the contest will be announced on Yogurtland's website.

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