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First Look At Liam Hemsworth As Geralt In The Witcher Leaks Online

Leaked photos from the set of The Witcher Season 4 show Liam Hemsworth in costume as Geralt in a familiar duel.


Henry Cavill left some pretty big shoes to fill when he stepped aside from his leading role as Geralt of Rivia at the end of The Witcher Season 3. Now, Liam Hemsworth will take over the part of Geralt for the final two seasons of The Witcher. Fans have been understandably curious to see how Hemsworth will stack up with Cavill's take on Geralt. But if the recently leaked photos from the set are any indication, the fans may be pleased.

Via Metro, the photos come from a battle between Hemsworth's Geralt and the sorcerer Vilgefortz (Mahesh Jadu), which appears to be a recreation of their fight from Season 3, episode 6. This suggests that Season 4 will flash back to the battle that left Geralt clinging to life by a thread.

From a distance, it's hard to tell that the Geralt actor has been changed. Once fully in costume, Hemsworth really does resemble Cavill's Geralt. The real question will be if Hemsworth's performance can match his predecessor's as well.

Hemsworth's Witcher co-star--and current star of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes--Freya Allan, recently shared her hope that fans will give the new Geralt a chance.

"I don't want to speak for him, but from what I've understood, I feel like he's really wanting to try and bring the heart," said Allan. "He's been training. I feel sorry for him, honestly, because, number one, that fan base can be very attack-y, and it's not an ideal situation to be in taking up someone else's role. But I'm really excited to see what he does. And he's such a lovely guy. I just hope that people give him the time of day, you know?"

The Witcher Season 4 will hit Netflix in 2025.

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