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First look: Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter for the Xbox looks to blend elements of space combat and first-person shooting.


GameSpot has received the first information on and screenshots from Bounty Hunter for the Microsoft Xbox. The game is being developed by UK-based studio Warthog and combines elements of both space shooting and first-person shooting action. The developers promise that the game will smoothly transition between first-person combat and space-flight action as players adventure through a dynamic fantasy universe. As with other Xbox games, the developers will use the hard-drive resources to seamlessly stream together different types of environments.

Throughout their quest, players will meet several NPCs and enemy characters who react depending on physical parameters such as intelligence, bravery, and health and situation-based parameters such as their numbers, types of weapons, and available cover. Bounty Hunter will have several different types of missions. Although the game's missions are primarily story-driven, there will be random and incidental encounters that add to its replay value.

Bounty Hunter will be published by Crave Entertainment and is set for a fall release. Warthog's previous development efforts include Starlancer for the Sega Dreamcast and Asterix for the Sony PlayStation, among others.

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