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First look: Ecks vs. Sever

Bam Entertainment announces a first-person shooter for the Game Boy Advance.


Bam Entertainment has released the first screenshots from and information on Ecks vs. Sever for the Game Boy Advance. Ecks vs. Sever will be a first-person shooter based on a feature-length motion picture in production at Franchise Pictures. In the game, players take control of either a male FBI agent named Jonathan Ecks or a female agent from the National Security Agency named Sever. The game's story centers on Sever's reappearance after being missing for years. Sever blames the government for her disappearance and will stop at nothing to get revenge. It's up to agent Ecks to find and stop her.

Ecks vs. Sever will include 10 real-world weapons such as machine guns and grenades and looks similar to a James Bond game. There will be 24 single-player missions set in seven different locations such as warehouses, bars, hotels, and government buildings. Additionally, Ecks vs. Sever will also include a healthy multiplayer mode with three options: deathmatch, bomb kit, and assassination. Deathmatch will be for up to four players, and both kill and time limits may be set. The bomb kit mode asks the player to locate three bomb components, assemble them, and detonate the bomb at a mainframe computer. Assassination asks one player to play as Ecks or Sever and the others to play as government agents. The agents must stop the other player from assassinating top government officials. Bam has not announced if the multiplayer options will be available with just one cartridge.

Ecks vs. Sever for the Game Boy Advance is currently scheduled for release in November. We'll have more information when it becomes available.

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