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Fortnite Challenges In Week 8 Feature A Mysterious Hatch Search And More (Season 7)

Baby it's cold outside.


The mysterious orb that has been hovering around Fortnite's Polar Peak has opened and unleashed quite the cold snap. Ice has consumed the island and the Ice Legion wander its surface, attacking players on sight. But there's no time to worry about that because there's new challenges to complete. We're now in Fortnite Season 7, Week 8 and, like clockwork, new Battle Stars are available. [Update: Week 9 challenges have arrived and include a multi-tiered one that tells you to dance on a sundial and other objects, as well as pop golden balloons. Additionally, new Showtime poster challenges are out now.]

To get them you'll need to complete the weekly challenges listed below. As you're probably aware of, the first batch of challenges is available to all players. However, the second is exclusive to those that have spent the cash to get V-Bucks, and then use that virtual currency to upgrade their Battle Pass to a premium one. Naturally, doing that means you get more Battle Stars on a weekly basis if you complete all the challenges, and this in turn levels up your Battle Pass and unlocks cosmetics faster.

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Now Playing: Fortnite - Search Between Hatch, Giant Rock Lady, Precarious Flatbed (Season 7, Week 8)

In the free category, players will need to place three Cozy campfires or Launch Pads, build structures, and find a Battle Star hidden between a mysterious hatch, giant rock lady, and precarious flatbed. On the paid side, you'll need to complete a multi-stage challenge that begins with visiting Paradise Palms and Salty Springs in one match. Then search seven chests at Shifty Shafts or Lonely Lodge, deal damage to enemies, and get a few explosive weapon eliminations on top.

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  • Place a Cozy Campfire or a Launch Pad in different matches (3) -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Build structures (250) -- 5 Battle Stars
  • Search between a mysterious hatch, a giant rock lady, and a precarious flatbed (1) -- 10 Battle Stars

Battle Pass

  • Stage 1: Visit Paradise Palms and Salty Springs in a single match (2) -- 1 Battle Star
  • Search chests at Shifty Shafts or Lonely Lodge (7) -- 5 Battle Star
  • Deal damage to opponents while riding in a vehicle (100) -- 10 Battle Stars
  • Explosive weapon eliminations (3) -- 10 Battle Stars

On January 23, Fortnite developer Epic Games released the 7.20 content update, which made tweaks to a number of items, alongside introducing the Sneaky Snowman. Additionally, it vaulted a few weapons and added a limited-time mode. One of the new items is the Sneaky Snowman disguise which, as you can imagine, will make subterfuge extra effective in the current, snowy state of the island. Interestingly, you can either choose to wear the disguise or throw it out as a decoy, which is a nice extra option. You can read the full Fortnite 7.20 patch notes for more details, as well as information on what else it does.

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