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Forza Horizon 5 Hot Wheels Expansion Coming This July

The first expansion for Forza Horizon 5 is another crossover with Hot Wheels, and it's out on July 19.


Following a recent leak, the Xbox/Bethesda showcase confirmed the details of the first expansion for Forza Horizon 5, which launches on July 19. And it should be no surprise that one of the most popular expansions from Forza Horizon 3 is making a return.

The Hot Wheels expansion pack turns the already ridiculous racing of Forza Horizon 5 and dials it up to 11. With orange plastic loops winding around the game's active volcanos and frigid wastelands, there's a whole host of new tracks to get familiar with. The trailer showed off surface types including anti-gravity tiles and boosts, letting Horizon's racing get even more varied as it blends in its different race types with the new track properties.

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Forza Horizon 5 is scheduled to get at least two expansion packs, according to the game's Expansion Bundle listing on the Xbox Store. Each expansion is expected to introduce a new locale, vehicles, and gameplay twists. It's certainly evident that that applies to this first Hot Wheels expansion.

The Forza Horizon games have received a number of well-regarded DLC expansions, including those adding Hot Wheels and Lego-themed content in the past. In the latter case, the DLC transformed the world itself--cars, buildings, trees, and all--into Legos, making for a decidedly different sort of racing experience. Horizon 5 was released last year and is available on Game Pass, although DLC content is not offered for free to Game Pass subscribers. Instead, you'll need to buy it separately or own the game's Premium edition.

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