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Freaks and Off Road Go on Display

Besides the twin versions of Mortal Kombat 4, we also saw Biofreaks and Off Road Challenge.


Besides the twin versions of Mortal Kombat 4, we also saw Biofreaks (PS & N64) and Off Road Challenge (N64).

Except for some lock-up problems, the N64 rev of Biofreaks appears to be complete. Its PlayStation cousin trails only by about a month.

Graphically, both versions the game look very nice, but we'll have to take some more time playing it before we make up our minds about the fighting engine.

Off Road Challenge is a four-wheelin' racer that takes its trucks through four to five environments over six different courses. Structures, animals, and smaller cars can all be run over and destroyed. The game was looking much more solid than the version seen a few weeks ago. And it was running not far from the 30 fps that's planned for - in single-player mode at least.

Midway also brought us an exclusive early copy of NFL Blitz for the Nintendo 64. Be sure and check out our full preview on the game.

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