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Free PS4 Version Of Orcs Must Die Unchained Out Now

Free-to-play action/tower defense game makes its console debut.


Orcs Must Die: Unchained is out now on PlayStation 4. The action/tower defense game was released on PC earlier this year, but now console players will get their chance to take on the orcs. Like the PC version, the PS4 release is free-to-play.

Unchained is the third game in the Orcs Must Die series. The game blends third-person action with elements of tower defense strategy games. You battle hordes of orcs, while setting traps across your fortress to stop the invaders. There are dozens of playable characters to choose from, each with their own powers and abilities, and you can see some of them in action in the launch trailer above.

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Now Playing: Orcs Must Die! Unchained - Launch Gameplay Trailer

The game has both single-player and multiplayer modes. In Survival mode, players battle level after level of orc invaders, earning coins to buy and upgrade traps as you go. In Sabotage mode, two teams of three players compete on their own versions of the same map and summon spells, enemies, and bosses on the opposing team's map to disrupt them. The team with the most points at the end of the match wins.

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From now until August 15, PlayStation Plus subscribers can also pick up a free DLC pack that entitles them to more than $20 in extras. The OMD!U DLC comes with 1,250 gold, 8,000 skulls, new skins, hundreds of potions and scrolls, a Dragon Guardian, and a one week Battle Pass, which grants you and your team extra experience and rewards for a period of time.

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