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Game Developers Conference 2008

Welcome to GameSpot's home for the 2008 Game Developers Conference! All next week we'll be bringing you the best coverage of the keynotes, conference sessions, games, and more live from the Moscone Center in San Francisco. We also plan on having not one but two live shows, on Thursday and Friday,...


Welcome to GameSpot's home for the 2008 Game Developers Conference! All next week we'll be bringing you the best coverage of the keynotes, conference sessions, games, and more live from the Moscone Center in San Francisco. We also plan on having not one but two live shows, on Thursday and Friday, February 21 and 22 at 4 p.m. PT, so be sure to check them out!

This will be my third GDC (my second as a member of the press) and I always look forward to seeing what the industry has to show here. Because of all the big names that will attend or present at the event, there's always something cool to read about or see. On top of that, the Independant Games Festival is always held in conjunction with GDC, and so there's a fancy awards show to see as well.

One of my favorite things to see at GDC is actually the IGF Pavillion booth. The mods and indie games I see there are always some of the coolest things at the show (last year, games like Everyday Shooter, Aquaria, and Castle Crashers were there), and so I look forward to checking them out there this year, as I haven't really had the time to see them in advance. And of course, there are all the other games that are expected to be there, like Street Fighter IV.

This year should be a blast! If I'm allowed out of the office to check out the show at all that is. I have a feeling that I'll be under desk-arrest so I can keep this page updated as much as possible...

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